Friday, February 27, 2009


I had completely forgot that several months ago I had joined an ornament of the month club. Each month you get to make Christmas ornaments and try new crafts at the same time. Well yesterday these three little guys showed up in my mailbox. ^_^ They needed to be hand painted and then ornament glitter was added to the white areas after the paint was dry. So in about 3 or 4 hours these 3 little snowmen were ready! So now they will each get wrapped in bubble wrap and carefully placed into our ornament box till Christmas.

DH has Staff Duty today (24 hour shift) so I have plenty of stitching time after I get the house cleaned up, laundry done, and grocery shopping done. I am hoping to get a good amount stitched on Coffin buzz as I only finished one motif and about 3 letters last night after finishing the snowmen before I had to go to bed as DH was falling asleep next to me.

HAppy Stitching everyone and as always I appreciate your wonderful comments!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Totally Useless SAL and other "stuff"


Ok first a few days ago I joined this Totally Useless SAL, it doesn't add any work to what I already do so it makes it so easy to continue to do and sounds fun as I always throw my orts onto the floor to be vacuumed up later.... Well you all know since having a 11 week old puppy, he eats everything he can find so my orts can no longer go onto my floor so this ensures it. If you want to know more or even join in you can look here. I have a few scrap flosses, some papers off new flosses and yes thats a yellow crayon. It was going to be part of something but then I changed my mind so I just tossed it into here. I got tired of working on secret projects and having nothing to post or talk about and I was just plain bored! So I dug through my freebies and found this one by Plum Street Samplers. I really like the saying so yes I was compelled to do it. It's called Coffin Buzz and I am stitching it on silkweavers Peaceful Waters 32 ct Belfast Linen. You can find it here, just scroll down.

And I will leave you with a picture of Batista who continues to test my patience and make me laugh. He thinks he is a cat, he steals yarn and eats my geraniums! I found one the other morning all over my house, he murdered the poor thing, LOL. Ok so I was livid when I saw it so no picture as it would have been blurry, I was shaking mad. So now he is Kenneled at night and while we are out of the house. Today he was locked up all day as Kiley had school and then I had issues with getting Destiny's blood sugars above 56 and staying there and even now I am skeptical. Anyway to shows his distaste even though we took him outside to play and potty when I got home, he peed and pooped in my house. He normally is pretty good about going outside but he hates the evening cold and potty's when he gets mad at DH and I. OK anyway what made me laugh about this photo is I had threatened my girls with a spoon if they didn't clean there room up as it was trashed. Which of course worked as they cleaned up immediately. Anyway I put the spoon down and Batista took off with it like he was volunteering to supervise and deal out punishment if necessary, LMAO

Friday, February 20, 2009

Is it Christmas Already?

Ok I know its not, lol. I had ordered some (6 skeins) holiday Red Heart yarn called Holly & Ivy that was on sale as its after Christmas. And it came in yesterday along with my new crochet hooks! They are the new Soft Touch Crochet Hooks so of course I had to try them out and I love them! I got the entire set of 8 in this free case. So thats what i did last night. And my yarn is all in a bundle because at 4 am Batista decided he wanted out of his kennel and was so loud I sleepily opened the door and went back to bed. Well DH gets up an hour later and Batista has taken every shoe he can find and put it in his bed and stolen mommy's yarn too! The little booger, LOL. So now this skein will get rolled up into a ball.

I was working on some presents the last few days and so I can't show you of course until after they receive them, so I will leave you with a few pictures of Batista, Kiley and Bobby playing.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's a boy!

How was everyone's Valentines day? Mine was great! We all piled into the car and went to see DH's Oma and Opa, and then went sledding, what fun! And then we went to Graf and did some shopping. DH bought some clothes and a new pair of shoes! Yes, I am that girl that needs a room for her clothes and shoes. :) I got him a stuffed animal puppy and a box of heart chocolates. No nothing stitched as he would give me that "wtf?" look. I was going to take a pic to show you all but Kiley ran off with him that evening and then was sick on it. She became ill till last night when she was finally able to keep food down. She is happy today though. So I think she ate some bad yogurt we had just bought at the store.

Ok so about a month ago we saw Husky mix puppies, they were just the cutest things ever! So i told DH I want a Husky puppy! He asked the lady if she would sell us one but she said no, she was keeping 5 dogs in her little apartment! Irritated and determined to get me one he looked in the papers for the entire month and then this Sunday he saw in the paper someone who finds the dog for you and so we enlisted her services. Monday at noon we got an email from her showing us pure breed husky puppies in our price range! The downside was it was a 2 1/2 hour drive to there and luckily the owners agreed to let us go there yesterday (Monday) as DH was off for the holiday. We got there with some help as there house was in a bad area and kind of hidden away from the road. Anyway after meeting momma and all three puppies. Kiley and I agreed on this little guy. We had originally wanted the black one but it was a female and I really wanted a male which the two brown ones were. Dad is all brown as well. They showed us pictures. He sat in my lap the entire ride home! He refused to sit in the back seat with Kiley. He slept in his bed the entire night and is also house trained and has all his shots. We are going to have him chipped as well and possibly fixed. Did I mention he loves the snow but hates the stairs? We have to go up and down stairs to get in and out of the apartment and he is a big boy already at 2 1/2 months old. Oh before I forget, DH decided on his name its Batista! If you or your spouse watches WWE then you know where this name came from. He sure is my favorite wrestler!

I have no stitching to show you. I am working on something but its going slow as I seem to be distracting by everything lately. I have a present to get done up and a fair and square Easter exchange to stitch up and a huge migraine to boot. Plus I have a house to clean and laundry to do before I can sit and stitch so wish me luck! LOL.


Yes, Batista will be going back to the states with us. He is allowed where ever the Army sends us next! ^_^

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine Emery Model Finished!

Well here it is. My model is complete though I think my ribbon bows leave something to be desired.

OH! Something important as I have had many people ask me about the Winter round I did for the fair and square exchange. A fellow stitcher has helped me locate the website where you can get the pattern FREE, it's here Thank you so much LaJuanna!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fair and Square Round 11

DH brought me home something to cheer up my day. It wasn't from him though. It was from
him though. It was my Round 11 Fair and square squares from Veronique D (no blog) in France! How exciting is that?? I love it! Thank you so much Veronique. :)

Also a few days ago I was searching Joann fabrics online and found 2 fabrics i absolutely fell in love with for my friendship quilt so I ordered a bunch, hopefully enough of it. These are the images from the website. Here they are:
The last few days, the idea of doing any kind of crafting has just made me dread it. So all my yarn, threads, fabrics, and patterns have been tucked away out of sight. I know absolutely horrible! I think its my depression hitting that has done this so my one thing that depresses me is my weight and I know I need to drop some serious weight so as a motivation to myself and possibly others, I have put a weight loss ticker up above so you all can see my weight loss. Yes you read correctly, I want to lose 86.6 lbs. My goal is to workout for one hour 5 days a week if not more. So everyone wish me luck! And if I don't post tomorrow you.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Valentine Emery Freebie


Valentine Emery
Click here for Pattern

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Fair and Square Winter Round


I heard from Sonda M. today that she has received my squares. I think that's the longest journey to the USA that my squares have taken. It took them 2 weeks to get to Oregon but I am thankful they are there safely and that Sonda likes them so much. These were so fun to stitch. This was a freebie but I have no idea where it was from because there is no website printed on the pattern so if anyone knows, can you please let me know?

Now the Easter round has begun so I need to stitch those up, but what to stitch? I am going to have to dig through all my patterns I think.

Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

New Vermillion Stitchery design!


They have started the new designs for 2009 called the Door Series. Click here and then click on sample designs to download your copy of the 1st door. This is definitely going into my to do pile.


Monday, February 02, 2009

MLOTS and Cat in Window

I finally got a scroll frame! Paid something like $45 from ebay for one that comes with three sizes of scroll bars and two sizes for the height part. Anyway I spent the entire weekend adding beads to every area I was forced to skip because I had a hoop. So now I am done for now with the beading. I am now back to stitching on her but am so happy I can now add the beads as I go without worry that they will be broken from a hoop plus I love this scroll frame! I am going to wait on the outline of her hand until I complete her face and her other hand so I can do it all at once.
101 Granny Squares pg 90
Cat In The Window Potholder
Finished Jan 2009

I fnished this cute potholder last week but i spaced on snapping a photo and blogging about it. I had the intent on sending it to my older sister but the girls loved it so much they insisted on us keeping it here.


Current WIP's

Current WIP's
My Lady of the Snow

Chinesse Goddess of Mercy

My Awards

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Anime I've Seen/Read

One Piece
Samurai Shamploo
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
Code Geass
Fooly Cooly
Yu Yu Hakusho
Rurouni Kenshin
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
Naruto Shippuden
Fairy Tail
Tower of God

Crafting Time Copyright 2008 Shoppaholic Designed by Ipiet Templates Image by Tadpole's Notez