Well, on Monday we were off to a pumpkin patch trip with Destiny's brownie troop. It was about a 15 minute drive but I cannot recall the small city we went to for it. Anyway each of the girls got their own pumpkins and all for about 3.50 Euro which was much cheaper than what our local commissary wanted. We were going to be taken out to the actual field but it was too muddy since we had gotten so much rain this past week. So here are some pics of their trip. I also got DH to stop by the mail room before we went and book 1 had arrived! I read on the way there and back and finished only 1 chapter that night but by Wednesday I had finished the book. I am definitely an Edward fan! Anyway so I also have finished book 2 last night and that's why I have NO stitching to show for this week. These books were so good I could not put them down. This week I will be ordering book 3 and 4 of the series. I did stitch the main square for Round 10 of Fair and square exchange and a little on EMS Rose Sampler but its not enough for a picture. But this week I am going to finish up the last of my exchanges for the year and will probably pick up my EMS Rose Sampler afterward to make up for this week being lost to The Twilight Series. :)
Today we have Juliette Low's Birthday party. She was the founder of the scouts and so every year her birthday is celebrated. I am not sure I will have any pictures since we are just planning on dropping our scout off and running to the PX for some things we need since DH has to work today. He is driving to Ramstein for a soldier pickup and won't be back till late again. He left at 1330 yesterday and wasn't back until 2400. But at least he has Monday off so I guess that makes up for it. :)
4 comments on "Pumpkin Patch Trip"
Great pictures of your girls! It looks like fun was had by all.
Sounds like you and the girls had a great time. So they are now ready for Halloween.
In the US, I never heard someone telling the time like it's 1400 then I went to the american base in Germany and my niece was speaking that way : is it a military stuff or it's because they are in Europe?
BTW, when are you going back to the US? Chuy's niece is already back in the US. (SC actually ... now he's doing recruiting ... )
Sounds like a fun outing, to bad the field was to muddy to go out in. However, the girls looked like they were having fun in their picture. Glad book 1 came in and you enjoyed it so much. Sounds like a great series, what a recommendation that you couldn't put it down.
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