We got tons of snow so the girls and I went to build a snowman. Destiny wanted to pose with him. We even made him a top hat. She even hugged him good night before we went inside for dinner. Here he is (my daughter was in love with him as its her first snowman):
The thing that upsets me is that some awful kids, I am thinking its the neighbor kids that destroyed him overnight, as he was smashed the very next morning. Destiny was so upset it was all she could talk about all day. Her daddy was going to go out with her so she could rebuild him but that afternoon it started to rain and so there went the snow. I know most of you would say that it was just a snowman and therefore we shouldn't be upset but since Destiny spent most of her life in El Paso, TX where it was a blue moon before you got a tiny bit of snow, this was her first year she got to make a snowman here in Germany. Kiley went with us but quickly became bored and my 2 year old threw snow at me! LMAO! So the snow fight was on! Both girls were giggling like crazy. Destiny even made a snow angel, which I taught her last weekend. Here it is she's still getting up from making it, hope you can see it:
The DH was glued to the computer all weekend that i couldn't get on to even check my email. Saturday we got up at 0730 and boom! He was on the computer and even when I asked him if he was going to be on the computer all day, he was like no just a little bit. e had planned on going to see his grandparents who live about 10 minutes from graffenviere but with the bad snow storm that morning even his grandmother said not to come. So e played with Limewire all day downloading music till midnight! Then Sunday morning the same thing! I think I pryed him away at about 1530. Completely ridiculous! He even refused to go outside with the girls and I to make a snowman which meant so much to Destiny.
Anyways, things were going fine, at 1530 we all left to the bowling alley since the DH is on a league and he said that another guy was bringing his kids so then they could all play together. We got there and nope he didn't show up but luckily the girls were able to play together and give me a bit a peace. It got to about 1700 when Destiny said she was thirsty and so I went and got a pitcher of diet coke since thats the only thing there she can drink. I also gave them the Goober sandwiches I made for both girls with their drinks and sat them down, should be easy right? WRONG!! Kiley stole her sisters soda and was running with it! I got it back gave it to Destiny and then sat Kiley back down with her drink, turn around and Destiny spilt her soda all over the floor, table #1, and my purse! I clean up my purse as much as possible inside and out, thankful that it somehow missed my cellphone. Then I cleaned the floor. Kiley is finished eating and drinking and goes to play. Destiny still eating stays and I go back to the grown up area. Destiny comes over a minute later asking for a sip of my soda, I see no harm in it and hand it to her, by the time she got it to her lips, she dropped it hitting the barstand and splashing all over me. I was so mad by this point. I yelled at her that can't she hold onto anything?? I know it was an accident and she has never been this messy but I couldn't help it, I was soaked in diet coke and sticky as heck. So I get cleaned up the best I can in the bathroom and get the floor and table #2 cleaned back up. My DH takes pity on me and agrees to take us all home. So I get home start dinner and work on unloading the dishwasher while the DH gets back onto the computer. Kiley takes his glass of tea off the table and puts it right behind me while I am unloading the dishes and I turn around and yep you guessed it! I hit the glass which then rolls across the floor hitting the trash can spilling tea everywhere and on me as well! I was so mad I had the DH take the girls into their rooms till dinner. I was now covered in tea and soda and needed the second shower of the day before dinner. Let's just say thankfully dinner and the rest of the evening went without incident.
Stitchy news:
AND one other thing I started and finished up this weekend! Through the group I am part of we started a sampler a nice lay came up with. Each month she is releasing a new section 8 in total. So here is part one completed of the TOL sampler. We all picked our own colors. There are 5 total but the first section only uses three.
I am doing it on 18 count almond aida with the colors: 350, 518, 522, 3042, 3354 all in DMC floss.