Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas and stitching
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
My Lady of Snow and Cheerleading
And this final picture, lol. Well I know you are wondering if we were high or something doing this. But truly it was done for Brownie girl scouts. She did this to help earn her science try its patch. We put vinegar in the bottom of a soda bottle and 2 TBSP of baking soda in the balloon, attach the balloon, tilt balloon upward to make baking soda fall into bottle and presto! the balloon expands! Destiny was thrilled as was I! Do you see the snowman? Well I bought us mother daughter aprons as Destiny now being 7 is learning to cook and she has so much fun. I have some pics of her making pancakes and helping cook Thanksgiving too but will post those later.
Okay so Kiley starts Basketball on Tuesday and so I will blog on Wednesday along with another stitch pic too and perhaps a pic of my xmas tree. I actually found sugar free candy canes for Destiny. Actually I found a whole site dedicated to sugar free candies which yay! Now Destiny can have some variety.
How was everyones Thanksgiving? Are you all ready for Christmas? I just have to buy groceries for the meal but otherwise I am ready. I still have a few presents to wrap and am waiting on a package from my family in Wyoming. But we have decorated the house and the balcony is plain because our power went out there and we need an electrition to come fix it. Anyway I will end this long post now.
Monday, December 01, 2008
we finished our xmas shopping for the kids too and I have most of them wrapped and under the tree. I would share pics but I am not entirely sure how to do it on this laptop.
I have stitched a little bit on my lady of snow but not too much and i picked up my crocheting again. I did about another 15 more rows on the blanket I have been working on.
I have been sick for 2 weeks now. I have this chronic cough and chest congestion thing going on, a friend of mine who is a nurse said I sounded like I have a bronchial infection. Oh yay! I am doing a bit better but still run down and I have a chronic cough so I haven't felt like blogging or even crafting too terribly much. Just trying to get xmas presents done and my family's into the mail.
Can you believe its already December? Has everyone put up their xmas decorations yet? we put up a lot of ours but we need to go buy new lights for outside.
I also recieved my round 10 fair and square squares too. :)