These are some weird little pink flowers which bloom off a vine. They grow like weeds though.
These are called Seedums and even the darker green ones next to them are the same but different colored flowers. They seem to love the shade by the garage though so it may become a seedum flower bed as I have so many!
These are my first two Iris's and they are actually in a pot and seem to be doing great unlike the ones planted by the tree which Zeus seems to love playing in and running through so I am not sure those will make it.
Just some little pink and red flowers (ignore the dead one on the end)
This one I love! It was so small when she brought it to me and its just blossomed and those are all the babies on her and the ends will flower so as soon as they bloom i will show you them.
Here is another view of the same plant. She gave me a bunch of babies too in another color but they arent growing as fast as this one.
THIS weekend even though its fourth of july weekend I plan on getting most/all of these plants into the ground. We figure we can always move them later if we need to. I also need to go buy like 4 rose bushes too for the backyard and I would love a butterfly bush under my kitchen window as well!
My mom arrives here Friday for a 4 day weekend visit too! I can't wait and I know she won't mind going to the nurseries with me either!
We went to the Renaissance Fair this past weekend as well but i'll post pics of that tomorrow. If you are on my Facebook list you can see them now as I posted them there days ago.