Here is my Rose Sampler as of yesterday. I'm almost done with part 9 and I have to redo one of the initials because I stitched a G instead of an H as when I was looking at the letters I forgot about the missing I part of the alphabet. And then I am off to finish up the last 3 parts though I think I will do the border up first on those three parts so to help keep me from having to frog any.

And Round 13 of my Fair and Square exchange has arrived! Pretty huh? Thank you
Janice! She said that this came from one of the issues of The Gift Of Stitching magazine.

See these? Yep, knitting needles! Destiny had expressed an interest in learning how to knit so my mom when she arrives today is going to teach her during her 3 week stay with us. She said then at least she has someone to pass her knitting books and supplies too. I get her crocheting stuff and then her little bit of stitching could go to anyone of us kids. No worries though my mom only turned 50 this year so she has years to live! ^_^

And the MOTH arrived with her spouse Tuesday night leaving us to finally get home at 1 am so Destiny missed school Wednesday and as Thursday was a short day we just took her by to pick up her things and the extra insulin from the nurse for the summer. And anyway the MOTH and her spouse graced us with their presence yesterday afternoon. They brought the girls each a purse with matching sunglasses and also a pink and black baseball glove and pink baseball to match so of course they had to throw it around in the house! Yikes! I soon kicked them all out of the house with that thing as I have too much breakables!
Well, I am off as my mom arrives at 1020 this morning and its about 200 K to the Frankfurt airport so I am going to take my rose sampler with me and try and stitch in the car. I have been up since 0445 so I may take a nap, depends on my mood I guess.
Happy Stitching and have a great weekend! I'll try and blog during these next three weeks but as both sides of the family are in town, I don't know how much time I will have. June 19th we find out if my sis is having a boy or girl so be sure to check out her blog if you haven't done so! It's