I got more of MLOTS done! But sadly i lost my camera somewhere in one of my thousands of purses I own so i'll be on the look out for it. In the meantime here are some crappy pics taken on my cell phone:
Finished beading her arm and did all of the owl including the backstitching on the owl and her hand.
So onto the bottom section I go. This is all one color and its weird how it looks a different shade of the same color up above it. I hope when i get done and wash the whole thing it will look alright. This pic is as of 3 days ago. I haven't touched it since but hopefully i can this weekend.
The kids started school on the 18th of August! Woohoo! So as always here is their first day back picture.
And today my DH got to play golf instead of actually working! LOL a lot of soldiers had a tournament today. DH had fun and got 3 birdies (2 hits to get the ball in) out of 18 holes! So here he is having fun and he even got his lucky number golf cart assigned to him, funny huh?
And so i leave you with a few pics I also took on my cell phone of Kiley and our Maine Coon, Manzo:
Dont mind mine and Destiny's feet at the bottom, lol Kiley is listening to her new Tinkerbell green 8 gb IPOD Grandpa Banfill bought her. no worries Kiley got a Princess pink one for herself thanks to Grandpa Banfill :-)
And this was taken today. Poor Manzo squished like that. Though he didn't seem to mind too much.